What Could Smoke from Canadian Wildfires Mean for Triad Air Quality?

What's up, Forsyth?? In this blog post, we will discuss how wildfires in Canada could affect air quality in North Carolina's Piedmont Triad region this summer. During the summer of 2023, Canada experienced the most destructive wildfire season on record, with over 45 million acres burned . Although western US states were already familiar with air quality impacts of wildfires, the smoke that spread from Canadian wildfires last summer resulted in some of the worst air quality that many eastern states had seen in decades. Here in the Triad, we experienced five code orange and two code red air quality action days, even though the fires were hundreds to thousands of miles from us. " Smoke From Canadian Wildfires Blankets U.S. " by NOAASatellites is marked with Public Domain Mark 1.0 . This satellite image was taken on June 6, 2023. A New Normal? Unfortunately, poor air quality caused by wildfire smoke may become more common for the East Coast, as Canada braces ...