On the Lookout for Elm Pollen: An Elm Pollen Adventure

What's up, Forsyth? It's time for another pollen blog post from a guest writer and expert with the Allergy and Asthma Center NC. On the Lookout for Elm Pollen: An Elm Pollen Adventure Written by Anne Ambs, Allergy and Asthma Center of NC, Cone Health Medical Group Hi, I’m Anne, nurse practitioner at the Allergy and Asthma Center of NC ! As a nature enthusiast, I can be found hiking and exploring everything outside in North Carolina on most weekends. While soaking in Nature’s beauty this past weekend , I went on a short quest to find elm trees in the Pilot Mountain area , as elm pollen will soon make an appearance in the environment. W hile I did not spot any elm trees on my outdoor adventure this weekend , m y eyes and nose were itching to tell a different story, that they had , indeed , already arrived. Elm trees belong to the Ulmus genus, and they live primarily in North America, Europe, and parts of Asia. Interestingly, elms can be found in every US state e...